Tag Archives: psychic jennifer moran

The One Thing Parent’s Forget To Teach Their Kid’s

Hello Friend’s,

Let’s start out by stating the obvious, I am not a parent. You may not think I’m qualified to give parenting advice, but before you click away give me a chance. I am a daughter and this advice is coming from the child’s perspective.

Still here? Okay cool let’s go! As a psychic the one issue I see with my clients and their kids is that their kids are completely out of touch with them, unempathetic, unresponsive, and dis-interested in connecting with them. I’m going to address the elephant in the roon. Some of this is due to parents spoiling their kids. That’s bad, but I’m not here to write about that.

As kids, we see our parents a Mom and Dad. My mom and day. We don’t often think about any other aspect of their lives. When we see parent’s as simply as Mom and Dad it affects us. We give them power, hold them to idealistic standards, and it creates a gap.

When I, as an adult started to see my parent’s as people everything changed for me. They became interesting, relateable, funny, complex human beings. Understanding their journeies, dreams, strength’s, flaws, and mistakes helped me love them more and let go of past resentments I’d held on to for a long time.

There are many important things you need to teach your kid’s. It’s important to let them see your many other facits. This is harder to do with little ones, but as they grow and mature let them in. Share stories, struggles you’ve had at their age. The more you take the time to connect with them the better your relationship will be.

Let them know about mistakes you’ve made (within reason lol). Let them know what you love, what you dream, what makes you laugh. do feel that it is important to maintain your parental role. You still have to be the boss.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I’m really curious what you thought as a parent or child. Was this helpful?

Take Care, Jen

3 Reasons To Make Your Bed


Hello My Darling’s

We all have a deep desire to change our lives. Each of us try every day to do better, feel better, reach harder. . . .

Well my babies, let me tell you big changes start with small steps! Believe it or not those small insignificant things we tend to ignore or avoid are the most important ways to get what you want.

Okay, we’re gonna talk about the bed now. Here are the tree reasons you should make your bed every day, yes every day!

Reason One

You start off each day feeling accomplished. I know it’s not a HUGE accomplishment, but you will honestly get a little boost of positive energy. This little boost of positivity will grow and attract more. Driving to work you will feel a bit more grown up and put together. “I’m one of those adult’s who made my bed.)

Reason Two

You will be far less likely to get back into it before bedtime. This is for you work from home peep’s! If you take the time to make your bed you will be less tempted to jump back into it. Talk about an increase in productivity 🙂

Reason Three

If all else fails, and you have a rotten day you will at least be able to come home to a well-made bed. It’s a little thing but jumping into a cozy appealing bed will make you feel better. It’s an easy way to practice self-care.

I want to thank you all for reading this post.  I hope you have a good night. By the way, if you liked this post comment below <3

How To Survive Mercury Retrograde And The Full Moon


Hello Friends,

This is a really interesting time astrologically. Mercury retrograde is looming in the air. As I write this we are in the pre-shadow phase.  While the retrograde actually starts on December third you may be feeling the effects now.

This pre-shadow phase usually only has a great effect on those with heavy mercury in their charts. This particular one, however, is likely to affect us all.

You may find yourself feeling angry or frustrated more easily than usual. Perhaps holding on to grudges, or having a shorter fuse than usual.

Try to remember to breathe, this is not the time for a confrontation. Don’t allow toxic negative energy to build inside you. Remember to cleanse and take care of yourself emotionally and energetically.

The beginning of Mercury Retrograde also coincides with a full moon.  The moon is all about subconscious emotions and desires. You may feel more emotional than usual, or be plagued with thoughts and memories of the past.

Another side note about this full moon is that it will cast a light on things revealing what’s been hidden. Secrets, hidden feelings and desires will be brought out in the open at this time.

Because this is happening during Mercury Retrograde you must really be cautious about your words and actions. This is a time when communication is often muddled and misunderstood. Now we are adding a big ass secret revealing full moon to the party. Oh, and we just got through an anger-inducing shadow phase lol.

I think we could all use some good news right now,

Firstly the moon is great for manifesting and setting your intentions. This one may help you understand yourself better. Use meditation to get in tune with your true self. Knowing what you REALLY want will help you actually get it.

This is the perfect excuse to slow down your pace. Think about what you want to say, how you want your message to come across. Don’t push yourself. Take some me time for self-reflection. Now I know you are saying “Is this Bish cray cray?” I am well aware that the holiday season is upon us. And this retrograde runs right through most of it (until 12/22).

It is really important to make thoughtful deliberate decisions. Don’t let your plate get too full. Don’t neglect self-care.

I feel understanding what’s going on astrologically helps us feel more powerful and in control of our lives. I hope this post will give you some hope and inspiration to glide through the next 30 days.

<3 Jen


The Three Things You Shouldn’t Ask Your Psychic


three things you shouldnt ask your psychic

Hi Everybody,

There are quite a few thing’s you can ask a psychic. You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve been asked over the years. However, this post is about three things you should never ask a psychic.

Health Questions

I get asked these all the time, but I never answer them. I know that nobody likes to go to the doctors, and getting a reading about weird or reoccurring symptoms just seems easier. This is seriously dangerous and potentially fatal.  As a side note, you shouldn’t ask a psychic when you will die. It’s. It will bother you forever (unless you are suffering from a fatal illness then all bets are off).

Asking for help with committing a crime

You will not believe how many times I’ve been asked this question. Seriously, though, you should not commit crimes. If you are planning on committing a crime it’s best not to tell somebody. As a side note for psychic’s reading this, if you help somebody commit a crime you are aiding and abetting.

Love spells

Please head my warning on this one. I do not do spell work of any kind. I have been a psychic for almost 20 years. I have heard many client’s in tears because they bought love spells that didn’t work. If your love want’s to come back they will do so. If they don’t a spell won’t change their mind.

I hope you found this little post helpful.

<3 Jen





The Mysterious Moon Sign


what is your moon sign

Hi Everybody,

I love astrology, and find it fascinating. It’s always fun to read horoscopes, but there is a whole lot more to you that your sun /star sign. Each planet in the solar system plays a part in your own astrological story. The position of each planet in the sky at the time of your birth gives valuable insight into your personality, and even your destiny.

In this post I will be talking about the Moon sign. In matters of astrology the moon represents emotion, and our subconscious. A better way to put it is that your sun sign is the you that everyone sees, your outer persona. Your moon sign is the you that you really are on the inside.

Knowing your own moon sign may help you better understand yourself, and your subconscious.  Of course knowing someone else’s moon sign will also help you understand others in your life. Below is a link to a website where you can find out your moon sign, and learn more about it.

Click here to find out your moon sign.

If you want to learn more about astrology this book will help. I love it

The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need

This was a short post, but I hope you enjoyed it 🙂

<3 Jen


Happy New Year!!

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Healthy New Year full of blessings and dreams coming true. New year, New start, New you! I am so very thankful to have the pleasure of knowing you , and being a part of your lives.

<3 Jen

Awakening Intuition, And How To Develop Your Psychic Gifts


awakening intuition how to develop your psychic gifts

Hello Everyone,

One of the most common questions I get asked by my clients is “Am I psychic?” My answer is yes you are. I have written blog posts about this, and made videos on this subject over the years. I hope you find this post helpful.

I believe that we are all born with raw natural intuition, and instincts that help us travel through life. Some people have this to a higher degree than others, but we all have it. More importantly we can all strengthen these raw talents. Like muscles the more you use your intuition the stronger and the sharper it gets. These gifts are free to develop, and extremely helpful so why not try 🙂

The first thing you need is an open mind. Understand that you have intuition, think about the times in your life that you just knew something was going to happen. Had an intense gut feeling that you couldn’t ignore. With practice you can learn to call on that feeling whenever you need it.

Practice everyday. I want you to understand I don’t mean sit in a meditative state for a solid three hours. Nobody’s got time for that. What I mean is try several times throughout the day to test yourself. Make it fun, make it a game. Here are some examples:

  1. Try to feel who’s calling before you look at your phone
  2. Try to predict the outcomes to movies, tv shows, and sporting events,
  3. try to predict what song is coming on the radio next
  4. get a deck of cards and try to feel a card before you look at it.

You can ask a trusted friend for help. You can even develop your gifts together. Try these games:

  1. Take turns guessing what number, person, animal each other is thinking about.
  2. In stead of telling each other about your day try to read each other first.
  3. Have one look at a picture of something and the other try to feel what it is.

It is very important to keep steady records of your progress. Keep a journal of successes and failures. Also write down dreams you have as soon as you wake up. Many people get messages in dreams so don’t ignore them.

In fact there are many different types of psychics, some read energy, see auras, visions, feelings, speak to guilds. . . .  I suppose it’s because as individuals we are all unique, thus our psychic intuition somehow is uniquely tailored to us. So as you develop your skills pay attention to how your most accurate predictions come to you and focus in that direction.

It is also important to know that being psychic is about tuning in, and often certain things will help you connect to the person or situation you are reading.  It might be a name, birthday, picture,state. . . . For me personally it’s names. Try out different things to see which works for you, and write it down.

Lastly I would recommend you get a deck of basic tarot cards with an instruction book. It’s what started me. Tarot cards are a great tool to help you feel comfortable with making predictions. They are like training wheels. They are also a lot of fun as well.

I hope this post was helpful to you. If you have any questions please comment below.

<3 Jen