Monthly Archives: October 2015

Just Do It!



Hello Loves,

This is a quick post, but I felt motivated to put it out there for you guys 🙂 I usually get my inspiration from my clients, and this is no different.

We all have dreams, inspired ideas, goals. . . . The one thing that gets in the way is fear of failure. While fear of failure is a pretty big stumbling block, not trying is the ultimate failure.

2015 is almost over, but there are still a few months left to make a dent, so don’t let another year pass without taking a step towards your dream! Trust me, even the tiniest step will feel better than doing nothing at all.

Okay so you may feel like you are too old, don’t know where to start, aren’t fully ready. . . .  Those are just excuses. Every good thing that I’ve done I threw myself into. I had a desire and a passion to do something and I jumped in. When I started my career as a psychic I had no formal training. I just knew I had giving some readings to friends, and was accurate. I honestly leaned all the other aspects I went. I made a few mistakes here and there, but over all it was a wonderful experience. I absolutely love my career.

I talk to a lot of people on a daily basis who are afraid to live their dreams, don’t be one of them 🙂
