Never Say This To A Psychic . . .

Hello Everyone,

I have been a psychic for over twenty years. I’ve spoken with countless numbers of clients and there are a lot of wrong things to say, In this post, I will be covering the one with the most potential to mess up your reading. If you want to learn this vital information keep reading.

Okay so here we go . . . . Whenever you ask a psychic a question about anything you must never immediately follow it with the phrase “Please say yes!” or “Please say no!”.

Let me explain. There are several reasons why this is a bad idea, namely you are making yourself look desperate. Unscrupulous people claiming to be psychic will zero in on that desperation to take advantage of you. This has been a well-known con in the industry. Knowing you are in such a state will leave you wide open to being a victim. They may say you are cursed or that there will be a negative outcome that they can change for a sum of money.

Also, consider this, if you are talking to a psychic that is new or extremely empathic you may overwhelm them and cloud their vision, and ruin your reading. There are many benefits to speaking with a psychic, however, the most important part of the reading is accuracy. If there will indeed be a negative outcome it is truly better for you to know. As painful as it might be you will be happier in the long run. Nothing is worse than being blindsided. This way you can prepare to handle whatever difficulties come your way.

I hope this post helps you feel more confident about getting a truthful reading. Take care and be well 🙂


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