Tag Archives: motivation

3 Reasons To Make Your Bed


Hello My Darling’s

We all have a deep desire to change our lives. Each of us try every day to do better, feel better, reach harder. . . .

Well my babies, let me tell you big changes start with small steps! Believe it or not those small insignificant things we tend to ignore or avoid are the most important ways to get what you want.

Okay, we’re gonna talk about the bed now. Here are the tree reasons you should make your bed every day, yes every day!

Reason One

You start off each day feeling accomplished. I know it’s not a HUGE accomplishment, but you will honestly get a little boost of positive energy. This little boost of positivity will grow and attract more. Driving to work you will feel a bit more grown up and put together. “I’m one of those adult’s who made my bed.)

Reason Two

You will be far less likely to get back into it before bedtime. This is for you work from home peep’s! If you take the time to make your bed you will be less tempted to jump back into it. Talk about an increase in productivity 🙂

Reason Three

If all else fails, and you have a rotten day you will at least be able to come home to a well-made bed. It’s a little thing but jumping into a cozy appealing bed will make you feel better. It’s an easy way to practice self-care.

I want to thank you all for reading this post.  I hope you have a good night. By the way, if you liked this post comment below <3

Just Do It!



Hello Loves,

This is a quick post, but I felt motivated to put it out there for you guys 🙂 I usually get my inspiration from my clients, and this is no different.

We all have dreams, inspired ideas, goals. . . . The one thing that gets in the way is fear of failure. While fear of failure is a pretty big stumbling block, not trying is the ultimate failure.

2015 is almost over, but there are still a few months left to make a dent, so don’t let another year pass without taking a step towards your dream! Trust me, even the tiniest step will feel better than doing nothing at all.

Okay so you may feel like you are too old, don’t know where to start, aren’t fully ready. . . .  Those are just excuses. Every good thing that I’ve done I threw myself into. I had a desire and a passion to do something and I jumped in. When I started my career as a psychic I had no formal training. I just knew I had giving some readings to friends, and was accurate. I honestly leaned all the other aspects I went. I made a few mistakes here and there, but over all it was a wonderful experience. I absolutely love my career.

I talk to a lot of people on a daily basis who are afraid to live their dreams, don’t be one of them 🙂
