Tag Archives: three things you shouldn’t ask your psychic

The Three Things You Shouldn’t Ask Your Psychic


three things you shouldnt ask your psychic

Hi Everybody,

There are quite a few thing’s you can ask a psychic. You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve been asked over the years. However, this post is about three things you should never ask a psychic.

Health Questions

I get asked these all the time, but I never answer them. I know that nobody likes to go to the doctors, and getting a reading about weird or reoccurring symptoms just seems easier. This is seriously dangerous and potentially fatal.  As a side note, you shouldn’t ask a psychic when you will die. It’s. It will bother you forever (unless you are suffering from a fatal illness then all bets are off).

Asking for help with committing a crime

You will not believe how many times I’ve been asked this question. Seriously, though, you should not commit crimes. If you are planning on committing a crime it’s best not to tell somebody. As a side note for psychic’s reading this, if you help somebody commit a crime you are aiding and abetting.

Love spells

Please head my warning on this one. I do not do spell work of any kind. I have been a psychic for almost 20 years. I have heard many client’s in tears because they bought love spells that didn’t work. If your love want’s to come back they will do so. If they don’t a spell won’t change their mind.

I hope you found this little post helpful.

<3 Jen