How To Get Over Your Ex For Good


How to get over your ex for good

Hi Everyone,

I have been going through a bit writers block lately. My posts are usually inspired by my client’s and I haven’t felt that pang of inspiration. Then it hit me. I was giving a reading the other day , and  she asked about the above title.  I have been asked this question since the beginning of my career. So below are my sure-fire ways to get over your ex for good.

It is not easy to get over heartbreak and rejection.  We replay every detail scrutinizing everything that happened. Stalk their social media. Perhaps even try to fix things . All of this creates negative energy.  Once you’ve got that going it grows and can snowball out of control.  More than likely other areas of your life begin to be affected by this negative energy. You may notice problems with your job, friends,health. . . .

Soon you’re up all night comparing your life with your ex’s and yelling why me???  This spiral of doom is pretty common so don’t feel bad if you’ve been there.

The first step is allowing yourself to let go. Let go of your anger, your hurt ,your jealousy, and Your dissapointment. I’m gonna be honest, this is going to be the hardest part. Holding on to these emotions only keep you attatched to your ex. This is very self destructive. It’s basically like putting yourself in prison. You’re lfe can not go forward if you are living each day in the past.

Your first order of business is to find peace and closure. Ideally talking with your ex to find closure is the best way, but unfortunately in many cases this doesnt work. When you are faced with an ex that won’t speak with you, try wrighting a letter that you then rip up and throw away. Getting those feelings out of your body and on to paper is very theraputic.

The next step is to decide that letting go is what you really want to do. This is a step that many people find difficult. I have spoken to many clients who know they should let go of there ex, but just aren’t really ready. Until you are really ready to move on you won’t be able to. Be honest with yourself, are you ready?

It is also worth mentioning that this is why you keep letting an ex back into your life over and over. I have spoken with many people about this subject over the years. I hear the same old excuses:

“He won’t leave me alone”

“He keeps coming back”

“He won’t let me go”

I hear these all the time from people. I always say the same thing.

” You have complete control of your life and who you choose to have in it. They come back because you let them. You answer the phone. You meet with them. You let them back in because you want them. You want to believe in them. You like the chase. You want their attention. When you have had enough you will let go.”

It is really hard to give up on the dream, really admit that this isn’t going to work out. You have to accept that loving somebody for what you hope they would someday become is not going to work.

The final step is to rais your standards. This concept may seem over simplified, but it is the truth. If I offered you a sandwich from a garbage can you would most likely refuse (I hope).  When it  comes to food, clothing, your job, practicly anything in your life you have certain standards.  The reason you haven’t allowed yourself to get over your ex is because you still see that person as valuable and worthy of your love and time.

If you were to evaluate the situation honestly and see the relationship for what it was and not what you hoped it could be you would start to see things differently. Once you agknowledge the areas that were fractured you could see where you  needed to improve your standards and begin to piece together a formula for a more healthy relationship that would sustain youe emotional and physical needs. Its basically the same process you use to evaluate everything else in your life.

When your old couch gets lumpy and stained with god knows what and the springs start popping out you eventually get tired of dealing with it and purchase a new one. It may seem cold to compare a relationship with a couch, but sometimes you just have to look at things practically to solve a problem.

Once you decide that your ex is was too lumpy and stained up with all of the things you disliked it will be easier to let them go.  Making a clearly defined list of your relationship must-haves will kee you on track, and help to keep you from repeating the same negative patterns.

If you take nothing else away from all my words take this:

The best revenge is living well. Take care of yourself. Give yourself time to heal and recover, Don’t waste time on revenge or competition.  Focus your energy on building a better life for yourself.

I hope you find this post helpful. You deserve a good relationship.




How To Talk To A Psychic Without Getting Scammed

how to talk to a psychic with out getting scammed

Hello Everyone,

My blog posts and videos are usually inspired by what I encounter in my readings with all of you. I am always trying to find helpful tips to share with you, and anything I can do to keep you from being taken advantage of is a big plus in my book.

In the past month I have given readings to many people who seem to feel that it is a important to share every single detail of there lives with me before I read from them. There are many reasons why this is a really bad idea, okay actually there are only two.

Before I go into tha let me give you an example of what I mean,

” Hi, my name is Susie. I have been seeing this guy (Nick) for the past two years. At first things went really well and we were very close. Over the last four months he has been acting weird. He is stressed out about his job, and feeling taken advantage of by his boss Rob. Anyway I feel like he is being distant and I’m not sure what is going to happen with us. Oh, also he is talking a lot with this girl from his job. Her name is Kim. Should I be worried about that?”

Okay so do you guy’s see the problem with this ? When you are getting a reading from a psychic you want to get information that is actually eh, psychic. When you lay out the whole story you aren’t letting the psychic do their job.

So the first reason why this is bad is because all of this info can cloud a psychic from feeling genuine intuition about the situation. I’m sure when you read the paragraph you had an impression about the situation yourself. Based on our psychology as humans, and past experiences we are prone to make judgements when hearing a story about other peoples lives.

You will have no way of knowing if what they are saying is based on what you told them, or if they are truly feeling something. They may not know either.

The second thing is a bit worse. Some people pretend to be psychics.They look for every opportunity to get your money. The above story is the equivalent to giving somebody your pin number.

Here are some examples of how to ask questions

  • I’d like a reading about me and my boyfriend.
  • Can you read my boyfriend’s career?

Your psychic may need some info to tune into the situation for you like names or birthdays, this is normal. Be aware also if they start asking you questions. Basically you should expect the psychic to useful accurate information without being told, or asking too much.

I hope you found this helpful <3




The Mysterious Moon Sign


what is your moon sign

Hi Everybody,

I love astrology, and find it fascinating. It’s always fun to read horoscopes, but there is a whole lot more to you that your sun /star sign. Each planet in the solar system plays a part in your own astrological story. The position of each planet in the sky at the time of your birth gives valuable insight into your personality, and even your destiny.

In this post I will be talking about the Moon sign. In matters of astrology the moon represents emotion, and our subconscious. A better way to put it is that your sun sign is the you that everyone sees, your outer persona. Your moon sign is the you that you really are on the inside.

Knowing your own moon sign may help you better understand yourself, and your subconscious.  Of course knowing someone else’s moon sign will also help you understand others in your life. Below is a link to a website where you can find out your moon sign, and learn more about it.

Click here to find out your moon sign.

If you want to learn more about astrology this book will help. I love it

The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need

This was a short post, but I hope you enjoyed it 🙂

<3 Jen


Is Your Lifee Being Affected By Mercury Retrograde?


Is your life being affected by mercury retrograde


Hi Everybody,

Do you  feel like everything has been going haywire for the last few weeks? Perhaps you’ve experienced misunderstandings in communications, or things not going as planned. Well there is a pretty good explanation for that and it’s called Mercury Retrograde. The good news it that it only lasts for about three weeks, the bad news is that it happens several times a year.

So. . . what the heck is Mercury Retrograde anyway? Well its basically when the planet mercury appears to be going backwards in the sky( though it really isn’t). This happens with other planets as well, but mercury is the biggest trouble maker.

Each planet in the sky represents some aspect of our lives. Mercury is the planet of communication.  During this time period expect misunderstandings, miscommunications, misinterpretations, possible arguments, and hurt feelings. So if you are planning on having a difficult conversation you may want to wait.

This is also a time when event’s and and plans can also go poorly partially because of all the miscommunications.  So best not to make big plans, or purchases . I moved during a Mercury Retrograde and it was awful lol. Don’t worry I will list below all of the Mercury Retrogrades for this year.





Their is a bright side to Mercury Retrograde. If things for you have been stagnant for a time this energy cat test to get things moving in a positive direction. So it’s not all bad 🙂

So when you are going through a Mercury Retrograde remember these things:

  • Don’t make major plans, or have major conversations
  • Be clear, think before you speak
  • Dot your i’s and cross your t’s
  • Try to keep calm

One last thing to consider is that Mercury retrograde affects different people in different ways. Some people feel the effects a bit earlier, and if you are a Virgo or a Gemini you may feel things even more intensely. Mercury is the ruling  planet for those two signs.

If you are feeling the effects of this current retrograde comment below

<3 Jen






Happy New Year!!

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Healthy New Year full of blessings and dreams coming true. New year, New start, New you! I am so very thankful to have the pleasure of knowing you , and being a part of your lives.

<3 Jen

It’s The Perfect Time To Get A Psychic Reading

Hi Loves,

The year is almost at a close and a new year is beginning. This is a time when we all have a wonderful chance to start fresh and make the new year better than the old. This time of year can also be really hard. It’s natural to miss people who are gone, compare yourselves to others, and feel depressed.

If you would like some help getting ready for a great new year give me a call and let me give you a reading. I can help you overcome whats holding you back, and help you prep for a great new year.

Its easy to call, just dial 1800-275-5336 Ex 0499

<3 Jen



Just Do It!



Hello Loves,

This is a quick post, but I felt motivated to put it out there for you guys 🙂 I usually get my inspiration from my clients, and this is no different.

We all have dreams, inspired ideas, goals. . . . The one thing that gets in the way is fear of failure. While fear of failure is a pretty big stumbling block, not trying is the ultimate failure.

2015 is almost over, but there are still a few months left to make a dent, so don’t let another year pass without taking a step towards your dream! Trust me, even the tiniest step will feel better than doing nothing at all.

Okay so you may feel like you are too old, don’t know where to start, aren’t fully ready. . . .  Those are just excuses. Every good thing that I’ve done I threw myself into. I had a desire and a passion to do something and I jumped in. When I started my career as a psychic I had no formal training. I just knew I had giving some readings to friends, and was accurate. I honestly leaned all the other aspects I went. I made a few mistakes here and there, but over all it was a wonderful experience. I absolutely love my career.

I talk to a lot of people on a daily basis who are afraid to live their dreams, don’t be one of them 🙂




Picking Out Your First Tarot Deck


Hi Everyone,

I bought my first deck of tarot cards when I was 15 years old. I didn’t know anything about them, or how they would change my life. I just thought they were really cool. I began learning how to use them and doing readings for my friends. I was fascinated with how accurate they were, and how much fun it was.

What I later realized was that these cards helped me unlock my own intuition. They were kind of like training wheels. At first I only felt comfortable reading people through the cards, but eventually I got so used to reading I was able to do it without the cards. That is why I often recommend getting a tarot deck to anyone who wants to strengthen their psychic girts.

There are a ton of tarot decks on the market! There literally is something for everyone. You can find lots of beginner decks, but truthfully the best thing to do is go with a deck that speas to you in some way.

Here is a little video I made that covers some tarot basics 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful day,


10 Things That Make Me Happy!



Hello Everyone,

I saw this cute post going around instagram about two weeks ago. It’s called 10 things that make me happy. Life can be difficult sometimes, and we all go through struggles. It can be really hard to see the silver lining, but finding the little joys in life can really help improve your outlook. This is really important when it comes to manifestation, and trying to change your path because what we focus on expands. So it’s really important to focus on whatever joy you can.

I am going to share my 10 things with you,I would love it if you would share your joys with me in the comments. They can be silly or profound, as long as they make you happy.

1. Not eating meat or dairy

2. Wearing bright lipstick

3. Cat purrs

4. Drawing

5. The smell of coffee

6. Making someone laugh

7. The ocean

8. The muppets

9. Hippos


Thank you for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day 🙂


4 Reasons Why You Should Never Date Below Your Level



Hello Everyone,

I am so grateful for my clients for many reasons, but most especially when them make me inspired.  This post is dedicated to all of you who waste your time dating and involving yourself with people below your level. Now this post may seem shallow, but give me a chance to explain 🙂  I have counseled so many people on love and relationships. The most successful ones are based common ground. Even though it’s fun and exciting to date someone different from you certain factors need to be in line for harmony.

Admit it, there is a distinct draw to dating someone below your level. It can feel nice being on that pedestal getting all of the praise and adoration. This is true especially if you aren’t used to feeling like the top dog. Most people who engage in dating below there level do so because of insecurities, failing to realize their value, or not wanting the pressure of keeping up with someone who is equal.

  1. You will never be fully satisfied. While it can be an ego boost and somewhat comforting at first eventually the gaps become more apparent. Weather it’s energy level, inelegance, or heart You will feel exhausted trying to explain things, or get them to empathize and relate to you. A big part of building emotional intimacy is to be able to just get and understand each others needs and ideas. When this fails everything else will follow.
  2. You will be keeping yourself from growing. Being with someone who is not on your level means that you aren’t looking forward. Devoting your self and your energy in this way is a type of avoidance. You want power and control over the relationship, and fear leaving your comfort zone. To really grow and experience life you need to embrace vulnerability, and challenge yourself.
  3. As the top dog you are likely to deal with a heavy dose of jealousy, insecurity, competition, and my personal favorite paranoia. These negative qualities are very unsexy, and create a ton of tension in relationships.
  4. In the long run you are going to hurt the person. Weather it’s because you gain confidence or you get sick of them in one way or another. More often than not people who date below their level eventually have a wake up call. When that happens their partners are left to deal with the rejection and feel hurt.

This is a sensitive subject to write about. People are complex and have many nuances. A persons level may not be black and white. We all have strengths and weaknesses. That being said we all have an awareness of how we compare to others. Your intuition will guide you. If you feel someone is not on your level they probably aren’t.
