Tag Archives: 10 things that make me happy

10 Things That Make Me Happy!



Hello Everyone,

I saw this cute post going around instagram about two weeks ago. It’s called 10 things that make me happy. Life can be difficult sometimes, and we all go through struggles. It can be really hard to see the silver lining, but finding the little joys in life can really help improve your outlook. This is really important when it comes to manifestation, and trying to change your path because what we focus on expands. So it’s really important to focus on whatever joy you can.

I am going to share my 10 things with you,I would love it if you would share your joys with me in the comments. They can be silly or profound, as long as they make you happy.

1. Not eating meat or dairy

2. Wearing bright lipstick

3. Cat purrs

4. Drawing

5. The smell of coffee

6. Making someone laugh

7. The ocean

8. The muppets

9. Hippos


Thank you for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
