Tag Archives: jennifer moran

The Three Things You Shouldn’t Ask Your Psychic


three things you shouldnt ask your psychic

Hi Everybody,

There are quite a few thing’s you can ask a psychic. You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve been asked over the years. However, this post is about three things you should never ask a psychic.

Health Questions

I get asked these all the time, but I never answer them. I know that nobody likes to go to the doctors, and getting a reading about weird or reoccurring symptoms just seems easier. This is seriously dangerous and potentially fatal.  As a side note, you shouldn’t ask a psychic when you will die. It’s. It will bother you forever (unless you are suffering from a fatal illness then all bets are off).

Asking for help with committing a crime

You will not believe how many times I’ve been asked this question. Seriously, though, you should not commit crimes. If you are planning on committing a crime it’s best not to tell somebody. As a side note for psychic’s reading this, if you help somebody commit a crime you are aiding and abetting.

Love spells

Please head my warning on this one. I do not do spell work of any kind. I have been a psychic for almost 20 years. I have heard many client’s in tears because they bought love spells that didn’t work. If your love want’s to come back they will do so. If they don’t a spell won’t change their mind.

I hope you found this little post helpful.

<3 Jen





The Mysterious Moon Sign


what is your moon sign

Hi Everybody,

I love astrology, and find it fascinating. It’s always fun to read horoscopes, but there is a whole lot more to you that your sun /star sign. Each planet in the solar system plays a part in your own astrological story. The position of each planet in the sky at the time of your birth gives valuable insight into your personality, and even your destiny.

In this post I will be talking about the Moon sign. In matters of astrology the moon represents emotion, and our subconscious. A better way to put it is that your sun sign is the you that everyone sees, your outer persona. Your moon sign is the you that you really are on the inside.

Knowing your own moon sign may help you better understand yourself, and your subconscious.  Of course knowing someone else’s moon sign will also help you understand others in your life. Below is a link to a website where you can find out your moon sign, and learn more about it.

Click here to find out your moon sign.

If you want to learn more about astrology this book will help. I love it

The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need

This was a short post, but I hope you enjoyed it 🙂

<3 Jen


Happy New Year!!

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Healthy New Year full of blessings and dreams coming true. New year, New start, New you! I am so very thankful to have the pleasure of knowing you , and being a part of your lives.

<3 Jen