
Ahhhh the age old question that’s been keeping girls and women up all night. I have been giving my clients love and dating advice for almost twenty years. This is one of the most pondered subjects I get asked on a daily basis. I am happy to share some of my knowledge with you all today for free 🙂

Here is what you’ll find it this blog post!

  •  How to tell if a man is attracted to you
  • interpreting male body language
  • guys flirting secrets
  • nickname meanings
  • signs that he’s not into you

Men are not as difficult to decode as you might think. Once you know their little tells and how their manly brains work it’s easy. With a clear head, and honesty you will never wonder again (plus you’ll look like a total relationship guru to all your friends).

We are all primitive creatures at heart. As much as our society has evolved we still are driven by instincts, pheromones,and the desire for security and a healthy breeding partner (this still applies to you even if you don’t want children). It’s just in our subconscious. Men are territorial, hunters, this is important to remember.

When a man is attracted to you in a sexual or romantic way you occupy a big part of his mind. He will plan, and make attempts to close the deal. He will ask you questions about what you like,  your relationship status, what kind of guys you like . . . . He is gathering market research on you. This isn’t as bad as it sounds. He is just trying to see if you are on the market, and possible ways to impress you. Also does he remember details, and notice changes?

If a guy likes you he will definitely try to impress you. He wants you to know he’s a catch. He may tell you funny stories, or tales about what a bad ass he is. He will do magic tricks, back flips, whatever skills he thinks are marketable. He may even try buying you expensive gits, though if this is the only game he’s got it’s a sign of insecurity.

Now lets talk about reading a guy’s body language. Remember how I said men are territorial?  When a guy likes you he shows subtle physical signs that he’s focused on you romantically. Of course there’s eye contact, but I’ve got a better one! Pay attention to where he is pointing his chest. I know it’s weird but it goes back to that primitive thing. Men show dominance and strength by puffing up their chests. If he’s into you his chest will be faced toward you even if his eyes are elsewhere. Worth noting if his eyes are another girls butt he’s a player.

Guys are very tactile. If he is attracted to you he will find playful excuses to touch you. This may include play fighting, and teasing ( as long as it’s done in a light-hearted way). You could also engage in a little of this yourself. Here’s an experiment you can run. Wear a soft sweater. Or if you have long hair wear a braid, or a pony tale. Like a moth to a flame, if he’s interested he won’t be able to resist.

Lastly if he’s interested he will let you know. He will ask you to hang out, want to connect with you, men who are interested will pursue. It may be subtle at first, but they will pursue. When a guy is interested they have a burning desire to see where it goes. They may be shy or insecure, but they will find a way to set things in motion.

There are some exceptions where a guy might have feelings but does not follow the normal methods above. In these situations the gentleman may not be ready to dive into a new situation because of fear, some other life circumstance, or just not wanting to be in a relationship at all. If you feel that this describes your situation I would advise walking away. I will cover guys you shouldn’t date in an upcoming post.

Now for the unpleasantness. Here are some signs that he’s not into you. It can be easy to get caught up with your emotions and mis-read someones intentions. Here are some ways to avoid this embarrassing train-wreck. I’m just gonna put this out there. You have to be honest with yourself. Work the method, be observant and objective.

Okay I wanna cover nicknames. If a guy calls you Buddy, Pal, Bud, his mentor, bestie . . . . I’m sad to say this is the kiss of death, you’ve been friend zoned. On the other hand if he calls you something like Blondie, Freckles, Rapunzel, Brown Eyes . . . You are good to go! Can you spot the difference? In the first ones he is seeing you as a nurturer, a trusted confidant. You are special to him, but is a platonic way. Let me know if you want me to do a blog post on how to bounce from bestie to beautiful in his eyes. The other set of names focuses on physical features. hint hint this is a good indication of what features he’s attracted to so play them up. BTW if a guy gives you a nickname based on your boobs or your ass he’s most likely a creep, just sayin. Btw a good way to flirt back is to give him an equally sexy nickname, Tiger, Blue eyes, charming. You could also call him by his last name.

One final thing, the way he talks to you about other woman. I saved this one for last cause it’s kinda important. Okay so here goes:

Not good

  • If he goes on four hours about his ex girlfriend and how much he did for her, or what he likes, feels, thinks about her.
  • If he talks to you about women he’s attracted to, wants to sleep with.
  • If he asks you for advice specific to another woman “what should I tell her?”

Actually Good

  • Talks to you about women who’ve asked him out or like him. Okay this one is sorta tacky, but not all guys are smooth. If he does this he’s just trying to let you know other girls find him attractive and maybe you will too:)

I hope this helps to clear things up a bit for you. Dating should be fun, not a mystery. Let me know what you think of this post, and if you have any tips please share them below in the comments.

<3 Jen






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