
I believe that it is my job as a psychic clairvoyant to help you by using my gifts, be there for you as a non-judgmental friend, and sometimes just to lighten the mood with a joke. The bond we share is powerful, and you put a lot of trust in me. You can pick up the phone anytime night or day and be calmed or reassured, but there comes a point when it’s not just about getting advice or understanding. If you can’t make it through the day without us talking. If you have trouble making even small daily decisions on your own. You are dealing with Psychic obsession and  Addiction.

Addiction is a powerful thing. It fills a gaping whole in your heart with something that soothes or numbs the pain you don’t want to face in life. It changes who you are ant takes your ability to be be strong, successful, brave, and honest.  It’s a cycle that starts off small but it can escalate more quickly than you’d think.

I want you to understand the dangers so you can avoid getting caught up in this trap, but if you already are feeling that you might be I will also cover that too.

I also feel the need to warn you that not all psychics are good honest people. Honestly they may not even be a real psychic. These fake psychics do there best to convince you that you need them, can’t live without them, They will use your fears and insecurities against you. In some cases they have even tried to romance their clients. Talk about more than just being a psychic friend.

You may be asking yourself “Am I an addict?” Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Feeling alone
  • turning away from friends and family
  • feeling panicked if you cant access me (or your adviser)
  • feeling like you can’t make a decision without getting my approval (or your advisers)
  • Feeling like you don’t trust your own intuition
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • financial recklessness
  • asking the same question over and over

At this point I feel I should explain what a good psychic/client relationship looks like. Ideally you should speak every six months. Just get a general reading to see whats coming your way. There are always special circumstances where you may want input like if you meet someone and you want me to check him/her out. You might even want me to help you screen employees your trying to hire. There are some clients that I’ve been speaking to for years. We have a closer relationship (perhaps you are one of them). In these cases the rules are a bit less formal, but If I feel that someone is becoming dependent and loosing their ability to make decisions I confront the situation right away.

I gently explain that I feel that they are calling too often. That they are asking repeat questions and are obsessing needlessly. Possibly showing signs of other addict behavior. At this point I usually get the same response “You don’t like me? Did I do something wrong?” Of course they didn’t, but in their minds it’s a rejection. they are consumes and clouded with addictive thinking.

The next step is for me to encourage them to look within and find the voice they’d been ignoring all this time. It may be difficult at first to find and develop your intuition, but trust me it’s there. The next step is putting restrictions on the amounts of calls. I will give them a timeline to follow. I ask them to remember the things we’ve talked about. Try to connect with friends or family. In some cases I’ve suggested therapy or support groups. Thankfully I have been able to help people overcome addictions to me because I confront right away.

If you are trying to overcome a dependency  on your own here are some steps.

  • Admit that you have a problem. Be honest with yourself. Are you calling for insight or do you just want to hear me say certain words to comfort you.
  • Face the problem head on. Why are you hiding this issue from other people in your life? Are you feeling shame?
  • Am I your only source of emotional support? This must change. If you cant re-establish connections with your family and friends then you need to make efforts to find new connections. If that sounds too scary seeing a therapist at first might help. I think this is the hardest step of all but the most important.
  • Set a budget and do your best to stick to it. Use money you would have spent on me to better yourself and your home.
  • Resist the urge to run to your psychic after every stress. Take some deep breathes and give yourself time to come up with the answer. You could also try to look at the problem objectively. Pretend you are watching a movie about your life. Try to be neutral about the situation. Sometimes journaling also helps with this.

I want to be there for you. I want us to have a close relationship. I want to help you, but I want you to be healthy and confident. Please be aware of the risks before you consult with a psychic, and never loose site of your own intuition.

Please comment below and let me know what you think of this post:)

<3 Jen